

Jl. Malioboro
Malioboro is a very famous shopping district in Yogyakarta. This area covered three streets which are Jl. Pangeran Mangkubumi, Jl. Malioboro, and Jl. Achmad Yani (“Jl.” = Jalan, means “street”). Those three streets is including the straight imaginer line among Segoro Kidul / Laut Selatan ( Indonesian Ocean ), Krapyak, Keraton Yogyakarta, and Mount Merapi. Malioboro means Bouquet of Flower in Sanskrit. In ancient time, in this approximately 1 km street was fulled of bouquet of flower when Keraton Yogyakarta held a formal ceremony. So since then this streets commonly called by the people with name Malioboro. Malioboro itself nowaday is expanded by it means to be Territory.

Jl. Malioboro at Night
There are many tourist object in this area. At the end of Jl. Achmad Yani which is still inside the Malioboro territory are Museum Vredeburg, Pasar Gede or commonly called Pasar Beringharjo ( Beringharjo Market), and Gedung Agung which was once become Indonesian White House when Indonesian Capital is moved to Yogyakarta in the reign of the 1st Indonesian President Soekarno.

The exotic of Malioboro
On Jl. Pangeran Mangkubumi there are several office buildings and Stasiun Tugu Yogyakarta, a train station that has been operating since 1887. Along Jl. Malioboro itself are Central Shopping Arcade which offers a lot of Yogyakartant Theme Traditional Handicraft Product such as Batik Clothes, Silver Handicraft, Wayang Kulit (Javanesse Typical Doll made of bull’s skin), Rattan Handicraft, Blangkon (Javanesse Unique Hat), Woodmade Miniatur Handicraft, Bambooes Handicraft, Accessories, and much more.

Vredeburg Castle and Central Post Office
There are also a lot of culinary shop where provide a famous typical food of Yogyakarta called Gudeg. As this food become so populer, so Yogyakarta is often to be address as Gudeg City. The Restaurants along Malioboro Street are well known serving with Lesehan Style. Even though it is very commonly found in Yogyakarta, such a restaurant like that. Lesehan is a unique style where visitors sitting-cross legged on the floor while enjoying the food, the floor is covered with Javanesse floor mat called Kloso, some modern Lesehan used a carpet as the floor mat. Visitors eat on the small table with height at least 40 cm. This is a culinary experince that may only found on Java. As the atmosphere will be entertained by Streets Mucisian as they will expect that you will give donation.

View of Malioboro
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